
Masque Of The Red Death Comparison Essay

Satisfactory Essays

After finishing the both the poem by Dylan Thomas and the short story "Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allen Poe the (things that are almost the same as other things) in the topic become obvious. One (thing that's almost the same as another thing) is how they talk heavily about death and how it is unavoidable, also in both pieces they try to outrun and escape death. In "Masque of the Red Death" you see that Succeedo is trying to avoid death and hides out for months. But, in "Do not go gentle" the author is pushing the character to fight and to stand up against death. For example in the text it says, "Rage, extreme anger against the dying of the light." This clearly shows that the author believes in fighting and standing up for yourself. The authors do not …show more content…

To a reader the theme is seen/obvious in both readings. Together they both support the claim and gives (event(s) or object(s) that prove something) to death being unavoidable. In the poem, the message is brought across very clearly.For example, when Thomas says "Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that goodnight." What this quote is showing is that even know the wise men know that darkness or death is right around the corner, there not going to gently and peacefully die, they are going to try and fight against death. In Poe's short story, again any talk about the guests going through the rooms and being forced into the black room is a (physical thing that refers to an idea or emotion) for the passing of time and (old/allowing to get old/getting older). The rooms show (by using a physical object to represent an idea or emotion) passing of time and an (old/allowing to get old/getting older) element in the story it makes the reader (understand/make real/achieve) that no matter who you are, you can not escape

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