
What Is The Impact Of Mass Incarceration And The Paradox Of Probation Theory

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The Impact of Mass Incarceration and the Death Penalty Theories Law enforcement over the past few decades has been incarcerating more inmates and creating a media storm on their harsh methods. It seems as though the agenda has changed from “to protect and serve” to arresting individuals as much as possible. In the same context, the death penalty has been increasing over the years as well. We live in a country where Americans want to feel safe, but at the same time, many citizens are supporting these harsh punishments on offenders of the law. Therefore, the following literature review will discuss mass incarceration, long-term imprisonment and the death penalty theories.
First, the impact of the age of mass incarceration and the paradox of probation theory. The United States has been steadily massing incarcerating for four decades. In the meantime, researchers have suggested using probation as a way to bring down the prison population, but studies show that probation will increase punishments and increase the prison population. Correspondingly, college students started to lose interest in the probation field for the reason that most of the government resources were being invested in the prison system. Phelps (2013), states,
The paradox of probation model argues that there are two central outcomes that determine the probation-prison link: the extent to which probation diverts individuals away from prisons or draws cases under greater supervision, and how much probation

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