
Matoaca Middle School Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

We, the students of Matoaca Middle School, demand the return of a less cruel grade system, as the current one is simply inadequate. That system has negatively affected or will affect every student at the Matoaca Middle School, and will continue this downward spiral for the coming years. Furthermore, your actions caught us unprepared for the simple hostility displayed with your actions. The signatories pledge their dedication to the cause. We hope that you consider to agree to the outlined request, so that this is resolved quickly. The current system should be resigned to the dustbins of the school’s history, and we can move forward for the future students.

We the CBG students at Matoaca Middle are really smart, but sometimes forget that we have work to accomplish. The regular education eighth graders are not much different than us, so why do they not have this policy in effect. We might not make it into the specialty Centers because our grades plummet because we turn in an assignment we forgot about one day late. Things should be changed because it is unfair that the regular education eighth graders do not have to follow this rule. Noone is perfect, people forget things, so why punish our future for an assignment we turn in one day late.

Why do we students have to pay the cost for confusion. Some …show more content…

That system has negatively affected or will affect every student at the Matoaca Middle School, and will continue this downward spiral for the coming years. Furthermore, your actions caught us unprepared for the simple hostility displayed with your actions. The signatories pledge their dedication to the cause. We hope that you consider to agree to the outlined request, so that this is resolved quickly. The current system should be resigned to the dustbins of the school’s history, and we can move forward for the future

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