
Matthew 13.5 Jesus Report

Decent Essays

. In Matthew 13:5 Jesus remarks, “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.” (Matthew 13:5, NIV Version). During Biblical times, salt had two specific purposes. The first use was to act as a preservative for things such as meat, due to the fact that there was no refrigeration. In the same way, Christians need to serve as a preservative to the world. Christians need to preserve the world from the deep- rooted problem of evil, and act as a light within society. Following this, another main purpose of salt during this time was to strengthen flavor, which is similar to what culture uses it for today. When you …show more content…

Prior, he served as a Senate representative from Massachusetts. During the 2004 Presidential race he was the Democratic Presidential candidate though he lost to George W. Bush. During a speech concerning children’s healthcare, Kerry made an intriguing statement. Although not everyone may agree with all of Kerry’s political views, his statement concerning the instilling of values in children is highly thought provoking. He states that we need to create an era of responsibility, and that parents, who have the greatest responsibility over their children, need to instill the values, putting the children first. The subject of instilling values in children is highly profitable. It is a true application of Jesus’ teaching. Now, as I previously stated, we do live in a selfish world where people want to be happy and do things in order to gratify themselves. Robert Spitzer, within his book, “Finding True Happiness,” journeys to explain one of the hottest topics within culture which is happiness. Everyone wants to be happy, right? Although society has access to so many ways to achieve happiness, they still fail. They fail due to a sense of emptiness. In this book, Spitzer’s goal is to help people climb out of this pit and gain true happiness. Spitzer goes through four levels of happiness. Level one entails external, pleasure, or material things. These things do not last and they end with an extreme amount of dissatisfaction. An example of this is eating five Krispy Kreme donuts. In the moment, it is quite enjoyable, but after about fifteen minutes the happiness will be quite gone. The second level is ego-comparative. Examples of this are things such as popularity. This also will not last. After high school, the importance of popularity will completely diminish. The last two levels have a lasting influence. Level three is a sense of empathy.

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