
Max Vandenburg Jew Quotes

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Max Vandenburg, a jew, has been hiding almost all of his adult life from the Nazis. Max makes his way across Germany to Molching where Hans and Rosa Hubermann take him into hiding. If Max were to be discovered by anyone outside of the household, the Hubermanns and Max would most likely be killed because Hitler had 90% of the German population convinced jews were the 422-423. As for political discrimination, if a German was not part of the Nazi party, they were treated poorly compared to those who were in the Nazi party. Hans Hubermann was saved by a jew, Max’s father Eric and Hans could not hate the jews. Hans is a painter but he does not find much work because most of his customers were jewish people, driven out and killed by the …show more content…

Erik Vandenburg save Hans twice, first during the war and later with his accordion, since Hans is allowed to stay in Molching because of his playing. This chapter also tells the backstory of how Hans came to know Max Vandenburg and why Hans chooses to help him. He is keeping the promise he made to Max's mother. Pg no. 303 Words also played a role in saving Hans's life; by writing letters, he was able to avoid battle. Hans had no interest of fighting and so used to do chores like clean the bedrooms and bathrooms. Hans's sense of loyalty and fairness is apparent in how he learns early on that he must keep up the facade of wanting to join the Nazi Party while doing what he can to act according to his true beliefs.Hans not only saved Max Vandenburg’s life but also that of a man being searched across the street from the family. Hans runs out and protects the man from the oncoming soldiers pleading that the man was good and wasn’t a jew. The soldiers don’t notice prize Hans from the man and carries the man away. The soldiers ask for Hans name and is told to get inside. Hans again shows his love to everyone and his relationship between the jews and the soldiers. Hans is a true man of his word and loved by friend or

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