
Maxine Greene 's Influence On Education

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In over twenty years of teaching elementary school I have heard a lot of discussions about teaching writing. When I was living in Texas the writing test was given to the students in the fourth grade and those teachers were expected to teach a curriculum which taught a formula style of writing. This made all the students’ writings very similar with little voice and creativity in their final product. Now the push is the Six Traits of Writing which is a very structured way of writing. There are six steps in the writing process that all the students are to follow and for some students it seems to be more of a challenge to follow each step without getting bored. As I look into the importance of education on society I cannot help but think that many theorist have influenced the development of our educational system. I reflect back to Maxine Greene’s contributions to education and her belief and theory that aesthetic education can have a profound effect on a child’s education. Maxine Greene’s philosophy was based in existentialism, which is the philosophical theory that individuals are able to determine their own development through acts of will, but she was influence greatly by John Dewey whose philosophy is based on pragmatism, which is the idea of change and your beliefs are affected by your environment. Their philosophical beliefs were different but she shared many of Dewey’s beliefs in education and she quotes him many times in her writings. Her book Releasing the

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