
Maya Angelou Analysis

Decent Essays

In America, freed slaves dreamed of freedom and equality for their children after emancipation, but their hopes slowly died due to Jim Crow laws. Their eyes and ears forced them to dismiss from their minds on how their children's lives should be, but their hearts refused. A handful of their children that grew up with false hope of freedom started to write about the effect of the broken promise of emancipation on African Americans. Paul Dunbar was one those children, born to freed slave parents; he experienced first-hand what it meant to have false freedom. Dunbar used the pain and loneliness he endured growing up in the late twentieth century to write many of his poems including “Sympathy.” A generation later, Dunbar would inspire Maya Angelou, an African American poet, to develop a love for literature and language. Maya Angelou even used the last line of “Sympathy” to title her famous book, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings. Despite Angelou being born a generation after Dunbar, Angelou also faced similar oppression and segregation. However, Angelou had a community that protected and made her feel she belonged, despite living in a country full of danger towards African Americans. Both authors explore the ideas of racism, oppression, and freedom as African Americans. Dunbar's poem emphasizes his lonely and powerless fight for freedom, while Angelou, in her story, “Champion of the World” emphasizes the unity of her community and a hero that

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