
Maya Angelou's Still I Rise

Decent Essays

The poem "Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou consists with seven powerful stanzas of four lines. it also offers mixture of tones: comical, angry and self assured. The poem is highly personal and political the speaker responds to a decades and even centuries of oppression in the first stanza the speaker says that the oppressors of a black women have view them throughout history by lies. Her tone seems highly significant the first kind of oppression she mention was "you may write me down in history with a bitter twisted lies" then the speaker goes on and mentions a powerful and motivated quote by saying "You may trod me in the very dirt but sill like dust, I'll rise" meaning that you will not push me me in the dirt for a long time and uses dust like metaphor "to describe them self like a dust rising in the air. …show more content…

however, the speaker then goes on to define what sassiness looks like by defining she evokes a powerful image which is that she walks like she have oil wells pumping in my living room. shes implying to that her oppressors want to bring her down now matter what and describing her that she has money when deep down she do not.In the third stanza the speaker talks about the future she states "just like hopes springing high still I rise" showing that she and others will continue too rise inevitably. The speaker explains this through the movement of the moon and the sun and the high of tides and low of the tides meaning that black women will still stand up for the respect they deserve now matter

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