
Maya Deren - at Land Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

Marina de Oliveira Ventura

Beginning my personal analysis of ‘At Land’,the waves mean that Maya is being dragged away from her own life. When she wakes up in the beach again, she has the opportunity of starting all over again, as the water represents a new start. As we see the waves in a reverse motion, they look like a carpet, as she was privileged to start again.
As she climbs the rocks on the beach, the transition of the wild to the table means a transition in our own life: when we stop being children and get in the social world. But as we can see for her position, there’s a moment in between –the teenage years, when we’re stuck in the middle of both scenarios. As she appears for the first time at the top of the table, we can see …show more content…

But unfortunately, that’s not possible.
As she accepts her role and keeps looking for the chess piece, we can see her walking with a man, what means she’s completely dragged to the adult world.The moment she starts walking with the man, who changes 4 times, it represents the love life. When we enter the adult world, our main relation is with the opposite sex, and Maya symbolized this commitment as they were walking together through a road.
When she gets in the house, it represents the end of the love relationship. The man lying in the bed is a representation of love. He still awake, and seems to be really attentive to Maya. That’s what happens when we break up: although the relationship no longer exists, all the memories, and the representation that the two have about each other are still very vivid.
The moment she comes back to the beach, climbing down the mountain, it’s like she’s returning to her origins, descending from her social role. It’s her elderly years. At this time of life, it’s like we came back to our childhood: no more role playing, no more social commitments, and no more strings. When she see the women playing chess, she understand that we only have fully control of who we are at the end of our journey, but then it doesn’t really matter: they don’t seem to be ecstatic to know how to play the game, they seem calm and peaceful. For me, they represent other generations of Maya’s family,

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