
Mayflower Compact Research Paper

Decent Essays

The Mayflower compact and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut are two historic, yet very important documents that have influenced the government we have today.
The first reason the Mayflower Compact and the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut helped shape our government is the Mayflower Compact was an outline of the first written outline of the U.S. government. In the Mayflower Compact, the pilgrims that are headed to Virginia, describe themselves as “a civil body politick” which means that they are unifying themselves, in order to create laws and make North America more civil. The reasoning for the Pilgrims to unify themselves as one body is to better their civilization in Virginia.
The Mayflower Compact is written to“constitute and frame” the government for the Pilgrims, and the Mayflower Compact contains and applies to law, ordinances, and acts that are meant to be followed by each of the Pilgrims living in northern Virginia. This document exemplifies how the first body of government in North America came to be, and the first laws, ordinances, etc. that were instituted, and it represents how the Mayflower Compact was a basis, and an influence on today’s government. …show more content…

In the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut, the first and second order written in the document, is the gathering of the General Assemblies, and Magistrates and how the elections should take place. The Court of Election laws that are written in the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut reflect today’s government, is the Court of Election meets yearly and there are only a certain amount of Magistrates and public officers that can hold a position in that assembly. Also, the first order establishes the power, jurisdiction, and ruling of the governor

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