
Me Earl And The Dying Girl Analysis

Decent Essays

Me Earl and the Dying Girl, a novel written by Jesse Andrews, introduces Greg Gaines, a 17 year old loner, has miraculously passed through high school under the radar and without a scratch. Greg is clumsy, awkward and he sticks to his method of not being included in any social group at school, but knowing at least one person from each group. The only person Greg spends most of his time with is Earl whom he makes “really bad” films with. Earl, who comes from a wild and broken family speaks more wisdom throughout the novel than Greg who remains cynical. Greg refuses to call Earl his friend but rather his “co-worker” in respect that Greg stands by the fact that he doesn’t have any friends because he isn’t worthy of them. In a way, Greg seems very self concerned and doesn’t really pay attention to the issues of others. …show more content…

Because of Greg being narcissistic, we never find out how Rachel feels about having cancer, but rather we hear Greg’s take on it. Greg’s view on Rachel having cancer is pretty boring because, he refuses to show any emotion towards it, and instead acts like he doesn’t care. In a way, Jesse Andrews successfully wrote a book about cancer that isn’t melodramatic but rather truthful. The book defies the stereotypes of bringing two “broken” people together and making them fall in love, but instead demonstrates that what you expect to happen, 9 times out of 10 doesn’t.Not everything is about falling in love or finding someone to make you happy, sometimes you have to do it

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