
Mean Girls Movie Essay

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While the film Mean Girls (2004) concentrates on the influence of sexuality in teenagers in high school, it passes all criteria of the Bechdel test. Main character Cady Heron is drawn in to the popular group and experiences all of the drama that a teenage girl in high school experiences. Regina George and "the Plastics" are the popular girls in school who lure Cady's innocence in by pretending to have interest in her personal life. While in the cafeteria, the girls have many discussions of Cady's previous experiences as a homeschooled student and the current drama. The Bechdel test intends to draw attention to the importance of gender representation in this movie by primarily focusing on the female characters who do not only control the plot, but dominate gender equality.
Although the plot of the film Revenge of the Bridesmaids (2010) revolves around marriage and betrayal, the Bechdel test can be applied and recognized throughout the movie. Two main characters Abigail and Parker seek revenge for their friend Rachel whose boyfriend was tricked into marriage by her childhood friend. Abigail and Parker discuss vengeance against the bride by destructing her wedding day and have many discussions about their hopes for the future. In …show more content…

Other than the few discussions that main character Matilda and her teacher Miss Honey have about their fathers, conversations involve the significance of learning and family. Because there are only two male characters in this movie, gender roles are not equalized but appropriately initiated in the plot and overall theme. The Bechdel test is applied only through its criteria in this film because of gender role and its purpose. The movie's unique plot can differentiate from the typical romantic-comedy or action movie, which gives the Bechdel test in this film a distinctive

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