America’s promise surrounds the past to ensure a better future, America’s promise needs to let all immigrants and emigrants remember and honor that they will forever have a home, due to the fact that America will always be there with open arms. The definition of America’s promise is for every single citizen to have faith and to maintain the faith they have for themselves and others around them. America promises each person to have liberty, peace and dedication. It ensures that every single individual lives a rich life. America’s promise promises its people an infinite amount of freedom. Freedom is what is ensured to America’s people. The Statue of Liberty greets those that lay their eyes on her, as seen in the illustration on page nine.
American beliefs and opinions give a great understanding of what an American values. The want and need for freedom is described in many different ways based on origin or social beliefs. The main backbone of America today is freedom. Through the building of an American empire everyone can’t come to an understanding of what it is to be equally free. By comparing and contrasting the perspectives of Patrick Henry’s speech to the “Virginia Convention,” to take up arms and fight for our freedom. Frederick Douglass’ “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July,” who feels it’s time to end slavery. It is clear that the struggles of the American story are still prevalent and America has not yet found a way for freedom for all.
On March 15, 1965, Former U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson delivered a speech to the U.S. Congress to communicate about the current problems in the nation. For many years, racism had been a major issue in the state and it needed to be resolved. To resolve this concern of racism and injustice, Johnson addressed the issues in “The American Promise.” Within this speech, Johnson held many phrases and words that evoke emotions with the use of rhetorical techniques such as allusions and concessions. In his speech, Johnson uses allusions that help relate the current issues to past events to help the listeners understand what he is implying better.
Americans all over the country pride themselves on the rights and freedoms that their ancestors have fought for. To the American people, freedom is expressed in multiple documents from our history, these including the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. The first sentence of the third paragraph of the Declaration of Independence is compelling and inspiring to the American People because of the strong language it uses, the power it gives to the people to make them feel safe and secure, and it makes the people feel like the country truly belongs to them.
The “Declaration of Independence” was written by one of the most accomplished of our nation’s founders, Thomas Jefferson. The Declaration was written during a time in which American Colonists tried to resolve their issues with Great Britain. On the other hand, former slave Frederick Douglass gives a speech on the topic of the Fourth of July called “What to the slave is the Fourth of July?”. Both men believed freedom was a right that is natural to all people. In order to persuade their audiences of this, each author uses ethos, pathos, and logos to support their argument.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These words should sound familiar to most people. They were included in the Declaration of Independence, which was mainly written by Thomas Jefferson. The Declaration announced America’s separation from Britain, tyranny, and the monarchy.
This would be the freedom that is found in both the heart of Americans and in the constitution that dictates an Americans liberties. The Star Spangled Banner is a piece of work that particularly expresses the happiness and appreciation that the people in this country have because of the sacrifices that others made during the Civil War. Many of the iconic lines in the song states just how amazing it is that the flag can wave so freely over the home of the brave. Americans are indeed proud of the land that they fought for, proud of all the accomplishments that they made over the years and it is certainly something to find fascinating about this country. The soldiers were outnumbered by the British troops and yet, our passion to be free and own the land was enough to push us through harsh winters and tough battles. Something very good about American spirit and America in general is just the determination and pride that we have. Although at times it may be a bit conceded, the hearts of these people are generally in the right
Preliminary Thesis: I will persuade future American generations that freedom is a privilege. We Americans need to stop taking our freedom for granted because there are people who wished to have the opportunity to be free the way we do.
The declaration of Independence is what shaped and provided the freedom the United States of America has today. The Declaration of Independence today is looked at a symbol for America to reflect on as it paved the way for most of the rights we have today. This document has been fundamental to american history longer than any other text because it was the first text to use “The United States of America” and in a sense the Declaration was the birth certificate of the American nation. It embodied what came to be viewed as the most memorable and clear statement of the ideals on which America was founded: the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, while also the first successful declaration of independence in world history.
I think that the promise of America is giving the lifestyles that people wants. For example, people would like to have their dream jobs and dream houses. They would also like the freedom that they can get, such as having the rights to vote for what they want and speak up to what they believe in. An American Promise is popular all over the places because they think that it will improve their life than the life they have now.
“The New Colossus” is a poem written by Emma Lazarus that is inscribed on a plaque at the base of the Statue of Liberty. This is the poem that we as Americans use as words of inspiration. From October 28, 1886, the date of when the Statue of Liberty was built and dedicated, to the year 2017, we have used the poem’s words to live by. While some people think that it is time for a change, others say that we should leave the poem to stay, for it is a historical remembrance of everything that we have stood up for. This poem also represents the welcoming of immigrants, the freedom that we fought for, and the freedom of religion.
Americans have continued to work hard every day to ensure we keep the freedoms we have fought so hard for. Fifteen states from the early America, that’s 56 signatures from many important people during that time, all agreed that we were born with “unalienable rights,” rights that no one could ever take away or deny. “All men are created equal,” they all have the same rights and power any other person has, and that’s because of the Declaration of Independence. Because of the rights the Declaration of Independence has given us, it is by far the most compelling to American citizens today because it continues to ensure that we are granted the rights of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Due to this we also hold the power to abolish any form of government that wishes to remove these rights, for when we know what freedom tastes like we will do anything to ensure we keep that freedom.
A statue constructed in the name of liberty arose from the expansive Atlantic more than a century ago. The values of equality and justice coupled with the promises of freedom remain immoveable like the cooper medium and the stone foundation of which the statue arises. An icon ingrained it the spirit of the United States, the Statue of Liberty is the physical representation of American ideals. It is the “light of liberty” that illuminates the path for the “tired,” and the “poor,” seeking shelter from the shadows of tyranny and persecution. The statue has been symbol of hope in a better future and a new beginning to immigrants seeking a fresh start. Ideals, along with the symbols that represent them, however are merely man made. And like the
Throughout the world, the United States is infamous for its guaranteed freedom to its citizens. People travel from all around many different parts of the world to get a taste of the lifestyle and opportunity the United States citizen’s are offered everyday. This nation thrives on preserving our personal freedoms, property, and liberty; moreover, it is the nation’s promise to its citizens. These rights are binded in our coveted Bill of Rights and the Constitution, a document for the people by the people. Many people can find their own personal definition of what they believe to be the American Promise; however, growing up I have always believed and had been taught that the American Promise was the opportunity to live
Many ideas are important within the American culture, but to the American sense of patriotism, freedom is most fundamental. The idea of freedom is central to the American politics – which is at times referred to as liberty. Since the birth of the nation, freedom has been the vocabulary of the American language and its importance cannot be underestimated. The Declaration of Independence, for instance, ranks liberty as an inalienable right. On the other hand, the Constitution reckons that it purposes to protect civilians’ liberty. The importance of freedom has even stretched further than the political arena and has prompted the birth of civil rights movements and other activist protests. The Cold War and the Civil War were all for the cause of freedom. The importance that Americans attach to freedom can also be demonstrated from the erection of statues, banishment of slavery, use of liberty poles and a right to vote for adults. For many years, women and the African Americans have for a long time fought against denial and infringement of their freedom . However, given the importance that Americans affiliate to freedom in the conceptualization of their country, it has been the subject of modifications over the course of years especially before the Revolutionary War.
But even more than that, we commemorate the birth of Americans as free men. At a single stroke, the Declaration of Independence and its ideas set America free from England, and set Americans free from their own government. The Founding Fathers instituted America's government to protect the freedom of its citizens, and to secure their rights to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."