
Meaning Of Maturity

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The meaning of the maturity can be different to other people, I'm going to analyze the characteristics, address if it is important, and if it's reasonable to expect young adults to have maturity. This is my definition of maturity, I believe maturity you can stand on your own, be polite, and not just think of just yourself, to be mature you should act proper and polite to others no matter the situation and the authors definition (Tim Elmore) fits my definition as well. A mature person possess a spirit of humility, to think less of yourself and more of others. People who are mature don't need to draw attention to themselves, they have their own identity and don't care what others have to say, a mature person will be self-confident but not arrogant and an narcissist about how confident they are. Mature people will base their feelings on what's best and not based on how they feel about it, They care for others, more than themselves. They can see how others have contributed to their success as said in Tim Elmores 'The Marks of Maturity' Maturity is being able to base their decisions off of character and not feelings. They will live by their values and those values will guide their decisions. "They master over their …show more content…

" The author states from The Mark of Maturity. I know for sure when someone compliments me it gives me a little boost for the day. And I don't believe that this has something to do with maturity. What people say will always matter, and just because we care what people say I don't think that means we aren't mature. And when people say bad things about us whether or not we act like we don't care. Most the time it really does affect how you feel, same with when people compliment you. Adults even get hurt by someone criticizing and being rude. I don't believe that is a part of maturity, people are always going to be hurt over something, that's life. But that doesn't mean you're not

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