
Media Portrays Terrorism

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How the Media Portrays Terrorism “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses,” were the words of Malcolm X during his famed 1963 speech. Many believe this quote has lost relevance in our contemporary society. However, on the contrary, it rings more true than ever. One popular topic that has had an extreme influence on our society due to the way the media portrays it is terrorism. Whether it is a tragic event such as 9/11 or simply the way it portrays Muslims, the media tends to sensationalize the fear and tragedy of such events to increase publicity while also depicting all terrorists as Muslim …show more content…

One is a tall African American wearing a baseball cap. The next a middle-aged white farmer. The one after, an Asian teenager. Finally the last is a middle-eastern fellow wearing a turban. You most likely selected the Muslim, middle-eastern man. Now you may be feeling a bit of guilt since you chose the last man simply due to his religion and ethnicity. But it is not your fault. This simple scenario proves exactly how influential the media can really be. When you a picture a terrorist, unfortunately it is inevitable you picture the last guy in the police lineup. As the host, Brian Kilmeade of Fox News once said, “Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.” The Fox network even came to Kilmeade’s defense after this comment. Clearly Brian was oblivious to this statistic: non-Muslims have carried out more than 90% of all terrorist attacks on U.S. soil. Nevertheless, the millions of viewers watching that telecast did not have anyone to combat his hurtful accusations with any evidence or facts, with which you are provided here. Instead, the majority of the audience probably sat on the couch nodding their heads having come to this false

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