
Media 's Impact On Society And The Individual

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Despite there being numerous sources and names for media and information, large conglomerate companies have emerged over the last several decades that own a majority of media outlets in the United States and throughout the world. These conglomerates operate in an assortment of business opportunities. The “big six” as they are commonly referred, own up to 90% of the American media market share (Lutz), and that number is growing. The big six companies include G.E., News Corporation, Disney, Viacom, Time Warner, and CBS. To demonstrate this growth of consolidation, that same 90% of the American media was owned by fifty independent companies in 1983 (Lutz). These figures are outstanding, as they relate and intersect with Stuart Hall’s idea of …show more content…

For example, the conglomerate Comcast corporation is a cable television provider, internet service provider, phone service provider, the owner of various broadcast stations like NBC and the Spanish network Telemundo, the owner of film networks like Universal pictures, and the owner of internet sites like Hulu and Fandango. Comcast even owns the Universal Studios theme parks and a professional hockey team, the Philadelphia Flyers. This is just a short list of the various businesses and services that a conglomerate, like Comcast, may own. As of 2017, Comcast reported a whopping $146-billion-dollar market cap (Selyukh). By further understanding these motives, one is able to realize the role that media plays in their daily lives and the influence that they may have that extends outside the television broadcast.
The power that these conglomerates hold may cause given information and facts to be distorted, possibly in order to better benefit themselves and their own corporate interests. This information highlights Hall’s ideal of how knowledge and power intersect. Hall brings up the idea of how there is this “Gap of representation,” a figurative gap between the actual facts and how the media represent it (Hall). This gap between representation and the true facts must be measured by the individual, when he or she may think something is reported inaccurately or in a biased mannered. In order to understand this gap that may be presented by

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