
Medieval Chivalry And Le Morte DArthur

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The interest for medieval romantics came about in Early Modern Europe; this was known as the Romantic Period. This period consisted of a literary movement which produced many artistic works that were thought to have a historical basis. Two of these works were Le Morte d’Arthur, by Sir Thomas Malory, and “The Lady of Shalott,” by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Although the works Le Morte d’Arthur and “The Lady of Shalott” convey differences in chivalric codes, they share similarities in the view of death through the disheartening language used to project a tragedy as well as the foreshadowing elements from the main character’s predestined fate. Chivalry is a medieval system that guided men to be honorable in faith, deeds, and social interactions. Many great men follow chivalric codes to contribute to their actions and what they are expected to achieve. In Le Morte d’Arthur, it reveals chivalric codes such as loyalty and faith in God throughout the story. Many of the knights in this story are loyal to the king by displaying selflessness and serving him in battle after he dies. Moreover, the excerpt reveals faith in God through King Arthur seeming to be alive in another place with the Lord Jesus rather than dead. “Yet some men say in many parts of England that King Arthur is not dead, but carried by the will of our Lord Jesus into another place; and men say that he shall come again, and he shall win the Holy Cross” (Malory 100). In “The Lady of Shalott,” Tennyson presents the chivalric

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