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Company Analysis
Mediquip S.A., a subsidiary of Technologie Universelle, is a manufacturer of CT scanners, X-Rays, ultrasonic, and nuclear diagnostic equipment. Their competitors consist of other European companies such as Sigma FNC, Eldora, Magna, and Piper. Even though Mediquip is a fairly new player in the medical equipment market compared to their competitors, they hold a global reputation for having advanced technology and proficient after sales service. Mediquip 's sales organization consisted of eight country sales subsidiaries, each headed by a managing director. Within each of these areas sales engineers reported to their regional sales managers, who are responsible for reporting to the regional managing director.

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Thaldorf had trouble creating a sufficient relationship with most of the members of the buying center, and used the inappropriate methods for trying to make a sale, and not meeting the customer 's needs.

1. Perform a product demonstration by inviting prospected buyers for a tour of the facilities.
+ Customers become better acquainted and more knowledgeable about the product.
+ Easier for customers to evaluate and reach their final decisions.
+ Possibilities of selling product at desired selling price if the customers have the opportunity to experience the product.
- Time and cost consuming.
2. Better presentation method and explanation of the product.
+ Customers have better understanding of quality, benefits, and cost of the product by showing the value of the product.
+ Improve communication by engaging in discussions or question/answer session in order to build a concrete relationship.
- Time consuming
3. Prepare more appropriate sales personnel with proper selling strategy for the deal.
+ Effective selling - when more qualified sales personnel involved, better ideas and on how to approach prospects are expected.
- Training, labor and administrative cost.
4. Create customized cost/benefit analysis.
+ Better opportunity of acquiring a deal by asking a reasonable price.
+ Obtain value driven profit.
- Requires more time to prepare the formal proposal.
- Requires the buyer 's cooperation in

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