
Melba Pattillo's Warriors Don T Cry

Decent Essays

In the memoir "Warriors Don’t Cry", its all about Melba Pattillo and her story. Melba Pattillo is a black student who has been integrated ,along with the LR9, to little Rock High School. At this time, this school was segregated, but black people are trying to integrate into this school.
So when the first day of school for the integration has come, there have been riots, crowds of segregationists, just a bunch of people rioting. The first day was horrible, as soon as the LR9 came in, it wet crazy. They had been bullied throughout the day, physically, mentally. Every way that the whites could do, they did. It was like this for almost all the way through the year. Sometimes Melba came home crying, bruised, and many more things. Her mother and …show more content…

My memoir is about me going through school and trying to get the best grades I could. It starts at Meadows Elementary school, 5th grade. I was averaging a 4.000. But I was struggling to keep it up. I've always wanted to have a great life ,to have everything I want, to give everything I want, and more. So if I want all those things I have to earn them. I've talked tom my mom about all this and she is very supportive. She has always been there for me and I needed her to stay with me know. So I wanted to keep a 4.000 all the way out through college. I got what I wanted through 5th grade, so know comes middle school. At this time I heard that middle school was really hard, and rough to get through, especially with those grades. I got to 6th grade, and through the first term. I had one B in math, I was mad but I thought to myself that I was going to get better throughout the school year. Trough the whole ear I dint have straight A's. I only had one B and it was it was advanced math. I really wanted straight A's so bad. So know comes 7th grade. I'm more mature, responsible. Everything I take home my parents help me with. I wanted to get though tis year with straight A's and this time I knew I could do it. I'm know in the 4th term and holding straight A's. Everything that I take home y I hope I can do it, just like Melba accomplished her

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