
Mental Health Issues Research Paper

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There's a certain stigma that comes along with mental health issues. It's completely unnecessary and totally unfair. When people deal with physical issues like cancer, the flu or high cholesterol, they're handled with care. When people deal with mental health issues, they're ridiculed and pushed aside. However, mental health is a very real issue that needs to be addressed and handled. If you know someone who struggles with mental health issues, it's important to make sure you become intentional with how you interact with them. Whether it's a friend, family member or co-worker, here are a few things you'll want to do to engage and help them out.

1. Encourage them to get professional help.
One of the most helpful ways to deal with mental health issues is to go to consistent therapy sessions. Whether the sessions are weekly, bi-weekly or monthly, it's important to sit down with a mental health professional. They've been trained through education, practicums and experience within the field. They'll know how to handle your loved one better than you can. Encourage the person to seek out the help of a therapist. If they're reluctant, talk about how it's completely normal, can remain private and will truly help them in the long run. …show more content…

There will come a time when your loved one will want to vent. Decide how much you can handle and how long you're willing to listen to their venting sessions. But, always maintain a level of love and empathy for their process. If you're someone they trust, you've been let into their life in a very intimate way. Respectfully create your boundaries for your own sanity, but be willing to empathize with their

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