
Mental Health Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Mental health refers to our emotional state, well being. Mental health problems can influences how we think, feel and behave. Feeling down, tense, angry or even anxious are all normal emotions that people will have but when these emotions start playing with our minds and wont go it can influence the way people act. Regularly it's not a solitary change but rather a mix in a people conduct. An emotional instability may begin as unobtrusive change. Mental illness is not a life sentence. Most people will recover fully, especially if they receive help early. Some people may require ongoing treatment to manage their illness. Anger Anxiety and panic attacks Bipolar disorder Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) Depression Eating problems Loneliness Obsessive-compulsive disorder Panic attacks Paranoia Phobias Postnatal depression & perinatal mental health Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Self-esteem Self-harm Suicidal feelings Encountering an emotional well-being issue is upsetting and terrifying, especially at first. On the off chance that you end up unwell, you may feel that it's an indication of weakness, or that you are 'losing your mind' and its not going to get better. Their are some key factors to help you deal with a …show more content…

Many people can experience a mental health problem when they have low self-esteem cannot cope in day to day life, to much stress or problems in a relationship. It just doesn't have to be biological. Mental illness can affect many areas of your life. A lot of people remain silent about their illness, don't seek treatment or are unaware that their symptoms are even connected to a mental health condition. Many children are born to a parent who has a mental illness, the impact that this has on their life is a big one. Often this children are the ones who are affected and have to deal with a range of

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