
Mental Illness And Its Effects On Society

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Bill Clinton once stated, “Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of, but stigma and bias shame us all.” Mental illness comes with multiple influences towards the daily life of an individual. On one hand, these individuals must try to manage the symptoms that arise with their disease. Mental health disorders can affect the way individuals perform at their jobs, their social life, and even being able to live alone (Corrigan & Penn, 1997). On the other hand, the way society tends to view mental illnesses leads to stigma and discrimination, unreasonably causing the same individuals to end up without a chance at work, denied by society, and deprived of independent living.
In most societies, individuals view mental health as threatening and intimidating. This perspective often develops into a stigma, or stereotype, towards people who suffer from mental health illnesses (Davey, 2013). There are two types of mental health stigma. The first being social stigma, which is when society becomes prejudice or discriminatory towards an individual who has been labeled with a mental illness (Link et al., 1989). The second type of mental health stigma is self-stigma or perceived stigma. Self-stigma refers to an individual suffering with a mental illness portraying negative feelings upon themselves, because of the awareness of stereotypes against mental illnesses. Both social stigma and self-stigma can lead to poor treatment outcomes (Perlick et al., 2001).
An individual will

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