
Mental Illnesses In Prisons

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One in every five adults in America experience a mental illness. Although people may say there are resources out there for people to get help, people still face discrimination for having a mental illness. Throughout history people with mental illnesses have been denied their human rights based on the restraints put on them by other people. Social Stigma is commonly held by people today. Social stigma is prejudicial attitudes and discriminating behavior towards individuals with mental health problems. These behaviors towards the individuals often times times hurts their reputation. According to psychologist Graham Davey studies revealed “…the most commonly held belief was that people with mental health problems were dangerous.” People had these …show more content…

People with mental illnesses sometimes find themselves victims of abuse. The New York times discovered “Mentally ill inmates in prisons and jails across the United States are subjected to routine physical abuse by guards, including being doused with chemical sprays, shocked with electronic stun guns and strapped for hours to chairs or beds.” It goes against their human rights of knowing that they are not going to be injured or harmed. It was stated that the guards who were on duty never gave anybody any notice that this was going on because it was not mandatory to report everything that went on in the jail. Several stories from the prison were written and used in the Human Rights Watch Report. The New York Times also revealed “… detailed the case of Anthony McManus, who was arrested in Michigan for indecent exposure and starved to death in prison in 2005. At the time of his death at age 38, Mr. McManus weighed 75 pounds.” McManus had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. The prison lacked a psychiatry department and he was in contact with a psychologist. Their contact was limited because it was always being interrupted by the security guards. Any abuse can not be tolerated in any shape or …show more content…

Insurers have denied people the right to insurance and protection. The Guardian reports that “People who have suffered even mild mental health conditions or one-off episodes say they have been refused life insurance altogether, aggravating their financial insecurity.” An individual has been denied insurance when they have admitted to have had suicidal thoughts noted on their medical record. The insurance company doesn’t even give a definite answer as to why they were denied. It has been speculated that insurers are cherry-picking customer to boost the bottom line. There are gaps in the law that could make it hard to be protected for this prejudice. According to the Guardian “I can see it from the perspective of the insurance company; they are not going to want to provide cover for mental health related issues to someone who has had mental health problems. But I was surprised to be rejected for any coverage at all, particularly given my otherwise good health,” The insurance company wanted to alleviate any risks and add more to their bottom line. You can see this by how all of the insures rejected them coverage and most people said it had to do with their mental health record. They are discriminating against people with mental illnesses. Denying a person the right to health care is a excluding them a human

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