
Mental Illnesses Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

According to 1 in every 5 american adults have a mental illness. This may not seem like a whole ton of people, but these people's lives are affected everyday with everything they do. People come in all different shapes and sizes. Anyone can be anything, so why should your mental state affect what society lets you do. People with mental illnesses should get the opportunities to create a life of their own. All lives matter and just because someone needs a little extra help doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have rights. Mental illnesses affect tons of people, but that shouldn’t affect how you treat them. Everyone deserves your respect and admiration no matter what they’re mental state is. Imagine how you would feel if just because you were a little different everyone judged you and didn’t listen to or respect you. That wouldn’t make you feel too great, would it? Nearly everyone would say no, because want to be heard and respected. …show more content…

Most people would say no to this. Including Isaac Newton, Abraham Lincoln, and Michelangelo. As stated by, Isaac Newton was believed to have Bipolar disorder. This is when you have severe mood swings, that are polar opposites. You could be extremely happy for a period of time and then the next moment you are extremely depressed. Isaac was still able to discover gravity. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States and suffered from depression, like hundreds of people everywhere. Michelangelo was believed to have autism. He created some of the best art pieces in history. Such as David, Pietà, and so many

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