
Mentally Ill Research Paper

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Although mental illness cannot be seen in the same way as external injury, our society needs to become more aware of both the reality of mental illness and the effect of our actions on the mentally ill. There is not enough awareness and research of mental illness and this leads to people being afraid to seek treatment. The mentally ill deserve humane treatment because they are equal to all other humans. Mental illness is a result of chemical imbalances in the brain and traumatic events, and the mentally ill deserve the same treatment and respect as other people with illness and injury. Throughout American history, the mentally ill have not received equal treatment and we should work to help the mentally ill to gain respect and understanding. In the early colonial period up until the 1800’s, many Christians believed that mental illness was a result of sinfulness or demonic possession; this led to people believing that the mentally ill just needed to become closer to …show more content…

Pope Saint John Paul II said in his speech “Mentally Ill Are Also Made In God’s Image” that those with mental illness always have the same dignity as those without because we are all created in God’s image and “Christ took all human suffering on himself, even mental illness,” therefore the mentally ill should receive great compassion and care. It is our duty to destigmatize mental illness so that those suffering it are able to receive good treatment and merciful love, equal to that of patients with other illnesses. It is our duty to raise money to aid research so that the mentally ill can receive the best treatment that is humane. It is our duty to love all people struggling with mental illness great or small in order to allow their healing. It is our duty to reflect on John Paul II’s question, “Is it not true that all too often these persons encounter indifference and neglect, when not also exploited and

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