
Merchant Of Venice As A Comedy Analysis

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Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, is about a Christian Merchant who must borrow money from Jewish Usurer named Shylock; to give to his close friend, and fellow-Christian: Bassanio. Bassanio wants the money to travel to the rich country-side of Belmont; to win the heart of a Christian named Portia, and marry her. But, there’s a catch. Shylock has been treated very poorly by Antonio in the past, and by Christians as a whole his entire life. Shylock decides to take advantage of the situation, and makes Antonio promise that if he isn’t able to pay him back by the due date; he gets to “cut out a pound of his Christian Flesh”. When Antonio is unable to pay him back by the due date: Shylock ends up losing everything he has, and having to become a Christian. This play was written to make the Jewish antagonist lose, and the Christian protagonists prevail. At first glance, it seems ironic and hilarious that Shakespeare wrote a play like this to please the anti-semitics of his time. But, when taking a closer look, this play is very tragic. This is why The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare, is a Tragedy:
First off, the most tragic thing, is the very fact that it was plotted and portrayed as a comedy. At this time Jews were persecuted and treated very unfairly. They weren’t considered citizens, made to live in the ghettos, and given very little options to make a living. Shylock claims to have been treated badly by Antonio saying: “you have rated me/About my moneys and my

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