
Mercury Planet Research Paper

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The first planet in our solar system, Mercury, is a very rough, jagged planet, complete with many craters and has many large rocks and dust. This dust is very fine, and small, like grains of sand. It has no atmosphere, so intense temperature fluctuations occur from day to night. The temperature ranges goes from 90K to 700K. However, due to much studying, we can concur that this planet is geologically dead, and hasn’t been ‘alive’ for an extended period of time. Also on this planet are no signs of rivers, clouds, storms, or really any type of weather. It can be seen to resemble the moon based off of certain aspects. In 1974, the Mariner 10 got within 10,000 km of Mercury, so we could have better, high-resolution pictures of that planet.

Venus: …show more content…

The atmospheric pressure is substantially more than that of Earth, totaling up to more than 90 times heavier than Earth’s. Closest to the surface of this planet is carbon dioxide, trapped in a thick layer against the surface. Over this layer are clouds of sulfuric acid, that reflect over 90% of the sunlight that hits the planet, and makes it very difficult for muggles to capture images of the surface. It is definitely one of the brightest objects in our night sky. The climate of this planet is a very heated one. It is the hottest planet in the Milky Way, even though Mercury is much closer to the Sun. One theory states that Venus, at one point, had a climate similar to that of Earth, but greenhouse gas effects impacted the climate permanently. Like Mercury, the temperature of this planet fluctuates greatly, going from -364 to 870 degrees …show more content…

They are named Phobos, which means fear, and Deimos, which means panic, and they are sons of the Ares and Aphrodite. These moons aren’t much more than large rocks that happened to get trapped by Mars’ gravitational force. Both of these moons are irregularly shaped and have many craters. Phobos is bigger, about 28 km long and 20 km wide, and has a 10 km wide crater names Stickney. Deimos is 16 km long by 10 km wide. Its largest crater is 2.3 km in diameter. Both moons have dark surfaces, so they reflect less than 6% of the light they receive and that adds to the difficulty in observing and studying them from Earth. Astronomers estimated the masses of these moons based on measurements of their gravitational effect on Viking orbiters. The Martian moons’ density is around 2000 kg per square meter, which is much less than any other world we have encountered through our

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