
Mercutio's View On Love

Decent Essays

Throughout William Shakespeare's play, Romeo and Juliet, the characters represent opposing views on love. Shakespeare did this in order to allow each person in the play to have someone they could relate to and show that not everybody feels love the same way.

In the play, Benvolio's view on love is the most down to earth and realistic. He understands that love could be more than physical like Mercutio believes, but he also understands that love is tough and you must have a rational way of going about it, unlike Romeo does. Shakespeare created Benvolio this way in order to show that there are different ways to feel love, and some are healthier than others. “Alas that love, so gentle in his view, should be so tyrannous and rough in proof” (Act …show more content…

He sees it as nothing deeper than the skin and he takes it as a joke. Shakespeare gave Mercutio these character traits in order to represent how most men in the Elizabethan Era saw love. The men seeing the play could relate to Mercutio in his actions and understand that there are other ways of going about things. “You are a lover. Borrow cupid's wings | And soar with them above a common bound” (Act 1 Scene 4 Lines 17 and 18). Here, Mercutio is being sarcastic with Romeo. Romeo feels that he is too heartbroken over Rosaline to go to the party, and Mercutio is mocking him for it. He does not see love as anything greater than physical need. “Throughout lovers’ brains, and then they dream of love” (Act 1 Scene 4 Line 76). Mercutio believes that love is brought on by a fairy called Queen Mab that goes into people's heads as they sleep. Mercutio does not believe in emotional love, simply a physical feeling. Mercutio’s view on love had no attachment, similarly to how men in Shakespeare's time period …show more content…

He sees love as much more than simply physical, like Mercutio does, but unlike Benvolio, he does not understand how to handle the heartbreak that comes with love. “Th’ exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine” (Act 2 Scene 2 Line 134). Right after meeting Juliet, Romeo sneaks to her house and asks her to marry him. This was simply out of impulse, as just before the party, he was still heartbroken over the fact that Rosaline wanted to become a nun. But as soon as he saw Juliet, he “fell in love”. “Here's to my love… with a kiss I die” (Act 5 Scene 3 Lines 119 and 120). Here, Romeo kills himself because he thought that JUliet was dead. He believed that he was so in love with her that he could not live without her. Romeos irrational behavior ultimately lead to his demise. Although Romeo is a male character, he was very sensitive and had many feminine traits. Shakespeare created Romeo this way to show that it was okay for men to feel attached in love, and so that anybody in the audience that felt similarly to him would be able to

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