
Mercy Values In The Medical Field

Satisfactory Essays

Mercy Values are everything I demonstrate in my life since I was little by the way my parents raised me to church until I was older and now teaching my own son them. Important values I demonstrate in everyday life is Compassion, Excellence, Human Dignity, Justice, Sacredness of life, and Service. Compassion is very important to me I always take time and put my life aside to listen to anyone and really put myself in their shoes and know how they feel and do what I can to make them feel better this is with family, work, friends, colleagues, anyone I come across. Excellence, this means a lot to me. I am a very dedicated person that rarely gives up I try my hardest at everything I do I thank my dad and grandmother for this he has taught me to never give up and I …show more content…

Respect to me is showing someone you think highly of them and well, respect them. Respect is a very important part of my life. Justice, something that is a must and that is to be fair, honest, and most important truthfulness. In the medical field as a Caregiver and School has taught me how important it is to be truthful and be responsible for my actions. At a young age my mother made me realize how important it was to tell the truth, I loved that I could always tell my mother anything and this carried into relationships with friends and my 6 year relationship as well. Sacredness of life, being kind and thinking before I speak. I demonstrate this everyday at work and with anyone I come across, I deeply respect and admire each life and do my best to help the needed through my thoughts, words, and actions. Service, I enjoy volunteering for my community I strongly believe in helping others mostly my community. Thats is why even though my life may be busy, I always make time to sign up for any event I can attend to, to help. I have always been told how compassionate and caring I am for helping and making people smile from helping my papa in the nursing home at age 8 to

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