
Mesopotami The Cradle Of Civilization

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Mesopotamia is known throughout the world as “the cradle of civilization” and rightly so, as it serves as the birthplace of several historically important cultures, religions, and languages. The three that stand out among the many civilizations born there are Sumer, Babylon and the Hittites. Each is known for a particular advancement, whether it be cuneiform, Hammurabi's Code or the utilization of iron weapons and utilization of vassal kingdoms. The historical and cultural events and advancements of these groups can be attributed to their location among the “fertile crescent” which fostered their birth and allowed for the growth of their civilizations. Sumer was a civilization that arose in the area of Southern Mesopotamia around 4500 BC. …show more content…

The Sumerian civilization is also famous for the creation of one of, if not the, oldest known systems of written language known to modern historians. Cuneiform emerged around 4000 BC and is distinguishable by …show more content…

There were about eight different groups that made up the social hierarchy in Sumer: The kings/priests, the elites/nobles, the military leaders, the merchants and craftsmen, the free peasants used for farming and finally the slaves. It was the priests that were attributed to the greatest scientific achievements in Sumerian society. The priestly class also drove Sumerian society forward in respect to arts, and inspired the “urbanization” trend. These priests supervised every aspect of Sumerian society, whether it be the economy or the judicial system. The Sumerians also founded their greatest cities during the Uruk period, with expansion towards both the North near modern day Turkey and the South of modern day Iraq. Around 3100 BC the Uruk period gave way to the Early Dynastic Period, in which several city states existed and formed. It was during this period that the first great written epics appear. The most famous two are the “Great Flood” and the “Epic of Gilgamesh.” The “Great Flood” is very similar to the biblical flood story, and plays an important role in Sumerian mythology and history. This is noticeable on the Sumerian “Great King List,” in which the Sumerians make a distinction between their kings being “pre flood” and “post flood.” The other epic poem tells the tale of the king Gilgamesh, who

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