
Messianic Secret Research Paper

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While Mark is the least unique of the four gospels, it contains an account of Jesus vital to our understanding. Christ was on this earth for a relatively short time, yet he did so many miracles and taught so many people. One of the things I love about Mark’s gospel is the Messianic Secret. While in class we discussed how Christ was pacing His ministry, I also really think Christ was glorifying God. For example, one of the best things about secret service or leaving cookies on someone’s doorstep anonymously is when the person being served has been praying and one of these tender mercies comes to them, they thank God as opposed to thanking the person who did it. Similarly, I’d argue Christ is trying to glorify His Father. While people could say …show more content…

First, the story of Mary at the wedding appeals to me because I love Mary. From the beginning she has had so much faith. I believe in parents motivating children through role fulfillment—setting a clear and obtainable expectation and allowing the child to fill expectation. There is something to say for having faith in people. However, there is more to say for having faith in God. Through faith, people can perform miracles. Mary’s faith in Jesus was probably helpful in teaching Him how to fulfil His role as the Christ. Secondly, I’m moved by the man born blind. His faith, like Mary’s, perpetuates miracles. However, I’m more impressed with how he handles the miracle. For someone whom people have treated so poorly throughout his life, the man born blind is eloquent and powerful in delivering a strong testimony of Christ. He explains how he won’t repeat himself because the Pharisees will not hear him. I’m moved by his humility, his honesty, but also his ability to stand steadfast in the name of Christ. Finally, the story of Lazarus’s rising from the dead inspires me. Christ asks both Mary and Martha if they have faith, and they say yes. While they have faith that Lazarus will live again after the resurrection, I don’t think they understand that Christ is about to lift their brother from the grave nor does Christ ask them to. Christ doesn’t have to explicitly ask if we have faith before each miracle or action he performs. He has enough faith to do anything. However, it is necessary to have faith in Christ. With faith in Christ, we will see miracles we could never understand or comprehend prior. While we should strive for perfect faith, we don’t have to have it all right now. We must only have the desire to grow in faith and to be made

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