
Metamorphosis And Endgame: A Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

Both The Metamorphosis and Endgame have a seemingly bizarre plot that reveals what humanity truly is. In The Metamorphosis, Gregor is transformed into a giant bug who eventually becomes a burden on his family. In Endgame, four characters are isolated in a grey room, with no real plot direction. These plays show both sides of humanity through the characters’ interactions with each other. Both of these books seems to emphasize human characteristics and how destructive they can be. From the isolated setting of Endgame, we see two different sides of humanity; the cynical dark side portrayed by Hamm and Clov, and the emotional light side shown by Nell and Nagg. Nag and Nell, although confined inside trash bins, are able to laugh, love, and experience …show more content…

Gregor had previously worked hard as his family's sole provider without much recognition them, but once he transformed into a giant insect, all his physical humanity and worth, according to his family, was lost . However Gregor retains human thoughts and emotions, showing the readers that he is still mentally human and “normal”. As the story progresses, his family starts to abandon him, seeing him more as a burden, an “it” rather than a person in their family. This shows a big character change, especially in Grete, Gregor's sister. Grete had been the one who selflessly took care of Gregor in his insect form when his parents had been too ashamed and afraid to. However, even Grete eventually says: “We must try to get rid of it,” seeing Gregor as too much of a burden (85). She had transitioned from being selfless to being selfish, undergoing her own transformation from one side of humanity to the other. Gregor, ironically, was the only selfless one by the end of the story, choosing to sacrifice himself in order to relieve his burden on his family. His family further showed signs of being on the darker side of humanity by “...giv[ing] thanks to God” for Gregor’s death, a completely different reaction from Nagg’s crying as a result of Nell’s death

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