
Metamorphosis In Madame Schachter's In The Dark Train Car

Decent Essays

After observing Madame Schachter’s behavior, it seems as if she is suffering from psychosis. A person suffering from psychosis may hear or see things which are not real. Madame Schachter is experiencing this symptom on page 22 when she says, “Fire! I can see fire! I can see a fire!” In the dark train car, there is no fire and she is simply imagining it. Another symptom of psychosis she undergoes is the difficulty in maintaining her usual level of functioning. On page 22, the novel gives us insight on her normal level of functioning. “...And it was she who worked to support the family.” Now she has psychosis, she can no longer care for her child or herself. The roles have reversed and the son is now trying to care for her. On page 23, “It’s

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