
Mexican American War Effects

Decent Essays

The Mexican American War is one of the most popular wars in U.S. History. Without this war many things would be different. For starters the U.S. would be a lot smaller and Mexico a lot bigger. The outcomes of The Mexican American War caused many problems but also had some good effects. The Mexican American War had positive and negative aspects for both sides including the loss of over 37,000 men due to injuries, accidents, and disease (DiConsiglio 60-61); land gain for the U.S.(DiConsiglio 64-65); and a loss of respect for the Mexican citizens.(Feldman 42). One of the most popular wars in U.S. history is The Mexican-American War. The war lasted from 1864-1848 and was a pivotal moment in history for both nations(Feldman 1-2). After the war …show more content…

There were many diseases such as yellow fever, malaria, dysentery, small pox, and measles. For every one man that died on the battle field seven others would die due to diseases (Smith 22). The main disease that was spread and claimed the most lives was yellow fever. This was a virus that spread through the bite of a mosquito to a human (DiConsiglio 58). Yellow fever is an epidemic in tropical areas so the Mexican jungles housed a perfect climate for the mosquitoes carrying the disease to breed and spread. This disease was very deadly and killed many due to the fact that many people did not know they had Yellow Fever. If one did show symptoms of the disease it usually happened 3-4 days after contraction making it too late for anything to be done to help with the symptoms. The most common symptoms would be fever, headache, jaundice, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue. Since there was no cure for this disease this contracting it would ultimately lead to death. Once contracted the disease incubates in the body for 3-6 days causing sever pain and suffering before death. A small amount of patients recover from the disease and then get even worse symptoms of it. The high fever returns and the liver and kidneys are affected poorly. Bleeding can occur from the mouth, nose, stomach, or eyes. Vomiting can also occur and will be very painful. Those who enter the toxic state of the Yellow Fever disease die within 7-10 days. Unfortunately for the soldiers with the disease it is very hard to diagnose in the early stages and is often confused with hepatitis. Poisoning, malaria, and sever leptospirosis. Meaning almost certain death for anyone who had it during the war (World Health

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