
Mexican Border Wall Research Paper

Good Essays

Jason Hensley
Dr. Webb
Writing 010
1 February 2017
The Mexican Border Wall: Expensive and Dangerous On January 20th, 2017, history was made in the United
States of America. The 45th president of the U.S., Donald Trump, was officially sworn in to office. Not a full week later, Trump is issuing an executive order to construct a controversial
Mexican Border Wall that he vehemently emphasized during his campaign. The Constitution cordially states that people have the right "[T]o petition the Government for a redress of grievances." (US Const. amend. I). While the wall may not be illegal: the impractical cost, threat of racism, and possible excuse for war make the wall not only impractical but dangerous for all American citizens. …show more content…

During his entire campaign, Trump promised Mexico would be paying for the wall.
Hensley 2
Now, Mexico is saying that they will not pay a single penny for the wall. This proves to be a problem for American citizens as it will increase taxes because building such a large wall is expensive. In essence, this wall is just an impractical cost for the United States. Yes, Mexican immigration is a problem but building a wall is a very immature and expensive way of dealing with it. The proper definition racism states, "discrimination or prejudice against people of a different race in belief that one's race is superior to another". With the wall and Trump proclaiming "all Mexicans all criminals" racism is clearly at an all-time high against Mexicans. We have even come as far as to give "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude."
(US Const. amend. XV). It is obvious America has come a long way since discrimination was prominent but, with Trump in office that may soon …show more content…

They were grape pickers, in other words, they did the job that rich people, like Trump, did not want to do. Do I agree there is a problem with illegal immigrants? Yes, but building a wall to complete racist ideals is not the appropriate solution to an immigration problem. The Preamble to the Constitution states that the people are supposed to help "…insure domestic tranquility…". I have always taken this as the people having to help protect each other on their home turf. Trump is not providing this "domestic tranquility" for us as of right now because of his wall. Each day, I wonder when Mexico is finally going to decide they have had enough and potentially go to war with us. We will be feuding with our very own neighbor. Jorge Castañeda, a former foreign minister of Mexico, said via Washington Post that Mexico "will have for the next four years, at least, a president of the
United States who actively campaigned and centrally campaigned against Mexico’s interests." Even Mexico officials are getting annoyed by Trump but, what will it lead to? Will it eventually lead to enough tensions to cause war? Mexico will have

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