
Mexico : My Experience To Travel To Mexico

Decent Essays

First time to Mexico

One of the most common places to tour is Mexico. Many tourists are very attracted to Mexico due to the culture, history and main attractions. Although Mexico is a very poor country everyone whom inhabits Mexico works very hard every day to be able to live. I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to travel to Mexico. For me unlike many tourists it wasn’t just to see the attractions but mainly more about seeing my family and learning more about my culture. I am from Veracruz, Mexico, I don’t remember anything about Veracruz, Mexico, sadly because I moved to United States at a young age. Travelling and staying a few weeks in Mexico made me realize how much of my culture I am unware of. I experience the way it feels like to live in Mexico surrounded with culture, family and food. I can honestly say that this has been a memorable experience for me to have exigence, nothing can compare this experience that I had.
This past summer my family and I traveled to Mexico for a mini vacation. Although I was born in Mexico, I moved at the age of 2 therefore I don’t remember anything and I am Americanized. Honestly I had really high hopes on many things but was very disappointed in the end, over all it was great but the biggest things I can say I did not enjoy was the food. When I traveled back to Veracruz I honestly expected the food to be a lot better than the Hispanic food in the U.S but I was disappointed when I tasted the food and realized that it had no

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