
Mgt 311 Week 2 Individual Assignment

Decent Essays

Step 1: I have been involved in a group work for my marketing class. Each week we have an assignment. We divide the work up and each work on our assigned portions. Each week we agree on a timetable of completion and each week one member always submits their portion past the agreed upon timeline. This person does not communicate that their portion will be late and does not respond to emails asking when they will their work done. This person’s late work has caused us to rush to produce the final document every week. I am trying to communicate that this person’s late work does not give us the opportunity to create the best assignments we are capable of because we are working against the clock. The person who is blocking my goal is the woman who submits her work late, every week. Steps 2 and 3:
Left Hand Column: Right Hand Column: …show more content…

By this I was adding personal meanings to her actions based on my feelings (Senge, 2014, Kindle location 4681).
• My intention was to get the point across that we must respect the time of the other group members and do our best to meet the agreed upon timeline. If this cannot be accomplished give the team a heads up so they can rearrange their schedules. I thought that by having this discussion (taking action) I was being an advocate for the shared vision of the group and (Senge, 2014, Kindle location 4722).
• I did not get the results I wanted because after we had the discussion she continued to turn her work in late.
• Perhaps my comments made her feel angry and singled out so she disregarded them.
• I didn’t say what was in the left-hand column because I don’t think it would have been effective. I was angry and I think by voicing my anger it would have escalated the situation. I knew that the comments in the left-hand column were not facts and based on what I believed to be truths (Senge, 2014, location

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