
Michigan Insurance Company

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Why is this worker’s compensation insurance option right for you?
The Michigan Assisted Living Self-Insured Worker’s Compensation Fund is the only state authorized self-insured fund that was created exclusively for our profession. It sets itself apart from other worker’s compensation sources in the following ways:
• Its Board of Trustees is comprised of experienced providers;
• Excellent customer service;
• Sophisticated claims management;
• Highly competitive rates;
• Potential for dividend payments; Average 30% per year
• 13 years of experience; and
• The financial strength of approximately 100 participants pooling $2,800,000 in premium.
How does the Self-Insured Worker’s Compensation Fund operate?
The State of Michigan approved the Michigan …show more content…

Unlike many TPAs whose adjustors handle as many as 200+ claims, the maximum claims per York adjustor are limited to 135. Because they can spend more time per claim, we have enjoyed a greater return of surplus premiums. Within a 24-hour period, the York adjustor already will have contacted the member, the employee and the medical provider. This kind of rapid response and conscientious dedication have resulted in a 43% reduction of medical costs.

Top 10 Reasons to Join MAL W.C. Fund

1. Competitive Premiums.

2. Claims are managed aggressively.

3. Members may have the future opportunity to receive returns of investment income and surplus premiums. Average is 30% per year.

4. Midwest Employers Casualty Company provides excess insurance coverage. York Risk Services provides claims management services.

5. Reduced Claims expense through active safety programs, annual loss control/industrial hygiene surveys and information networking.

6. Members can take an active part in the claims process by participating on the Board of Trustees or attending Annual Membership Meetings.

7. Experience modifications are individually calculated using our own formula.

8. Client retention exceeds industry averages.

9. Members have access to industry related information as well as pertinent safety topics.

10. Stability in …show more content…

Looking for superior service, greater claims control and pricing? Consider the Michigan Assisted Living Self-Funded Workers’ Compensation Program (MAL W.C. Fund). Our group program was established to provide outstanding coverage and services along with the opportunity for generous dividend returns. The average is 30% per year.

Rising workers’ compensation premiums inspired a group of providers to band together and form a self-governing, self-insured workers’ compensation fund as an alternative to purchasing traditional insurance. Since its inception in 2003, our group has grown to more than 120 member companies, representing in excess of $2,8000,000 in estimated premiums, with an average experience modification of just 0.75.

Here’s how we do it…

The MAL W.C. Fund utilizes specialized underwriting requirements which enable us to enroll only providers that are actively managing their loss control and safety programs to reduce claim costs.

We feel that a strong safety education and claims management commitment at the corporate level equates to low claims exposure for the entire fund. This allows us the opportunity to potentially make larger returns of surplus

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