
Middle Ages Dbq Essay

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Something dark is often described as gloomy, lifeless, and dull. The Middle Ages, however, was the opposite of darkness. Although the beginning of the Middle Ages wasn’t very eventful, it was full of life and new ideas. The term "Dark Ages" doesn’t suggest positive developments of the Middle Ages such as King John signing the Magna Carta to help protect the rights of the nobles, the Japanese expressing themselves through poetry, and the flourishing of trade between Japan and China. The Magna Carta is one piece of evidence that proves that the “Dark Ages” is not an appropriate term to describe the Middle Ages. This document is known as one of the most important documents in the history of Great Britain. It was created so that the king could no longer have complete control over the people under his rule. This gave them more freedom and independence. For example, the Magna Carta states, “No freeman is to be taken or imprisoned or disseised of his free tenement or of his liberties or free customs, or outlawed or exiled or in any way ruined, nor will we go against such a man or send against him save by lawful judgement of his peers or by the law of the land.” The Magna Carta eventually became the basis for the American Constitution along with several other important documents. …show more content…

The Kokin Wakashū is a collection of poems that Emperor Daigo had put together during the time he ruled in Japan. The poems that were included in this book were about seasons, traveling, and love. If the Middle Ages was a period of darkness, the poems probably would have been more dark and dreary, rather than colorful and cheerful. This book of poems is also considered a work of art. During a dark time period, works of art would be very rare if there were any. The Kokin Wakashū is definitely proof that the term “Dark Ages” did not accurately describe this time

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