
Migration Of The U.s.

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Research Paper: Migration to the U.S. Millions of people have migrated from all over the world which results in problems and changes in families. This paper explores the immigrant experience in America, showing how immigrants dealt with hardships, adaptation, losing one 's culture and adaptation to the loss of one 's parent. When people migrate, they start adapting into a new personality and lose their culture. For instance, when leaving an area depending on the amount of time, you spend there you have modified something whether it an accent, or word usage, etc. Then when moved there might be a loss of something about that place. However when moving and adapting, they also go through many difficulties. According to Claudia Glenn Dowling (2011), the immigrant was on a ship that took them away from their homeland leaving their cultures and part of themselves. A man named Augustus. F. Sherman (A.F.S) took pictures of the immigrants. The pictures have resembled immigrant future when coming to the U.S. “homesickness, loss, hardship and, eventually, assimilation” (Dowling 50). The immigrant was not welcome when they arrived in America they went through a series of difficulties “ there were quotas on many nationalities such as Italians, Greeks, Slavs and Russians, and Chinese were banned outright”(Dowling 52). After being taken to Ellis Island, these new immigrants was examined, questioned, about money, relatives, “origin and trades” near the statue of liberty until the U.S.

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