
Mikko Alasaarela

Decent Essays

In the wake of an ongoing project and study, Mikko Alasaarela addresses in an article entitled “How humans will merge with machines” the overall disturbing nature that artificial intelligence (AI) nowadays has the capacity of surpassing all human emotions and will in due time pave out a new path and take control over our world, possibly even the universe. For all intents and purposes, Alasaarela reasons that AI has reached a new level in terms of emotional intelligence and that our domain is not far off from seeing cyborgs and humanoids among us. With that being said, Alasaarela begs the question that asks how long it will take before it will become hard for us to differentiate between humans and humanoids. Furthermore, he argues that “without any limits to their processing power, memory, and ability to gain knowledge, AI robots can evolve their intelligence much further than we humans can” (Alasaarela, para 36). …show more content…

cyborgs and humanoids) will eventually become far-more superior than humans at manipulating and controlling emotions. With this being said, our society is not far off from reaching this point with the ever-increasing rate of technology. Ultimately, Alasaarela’s aspiration is to influence and reach out to a mass audience (all humankind) in hopes of educating them on the future of technology through the use of three rhetorical strategies in storytelling: depiction, latent exigence, and oppositional emotions. In view of Alasaarela’s research, a persuasive narrative concerning AI begins to unfurl as an in-depth research on the current state of humans’ emotional intelligence illuminates where the future in technology (robots) lies. Through this written version of a personal narrative, Alasaarela successfully persuades his intended audience through shock and fear the state of what our future will look

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