
Military Drones

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Recently, there has been a lot of talk about drones. But, what essentially is a drone? A drone is a remote controlled pilotless aircraft. (Phil for Humanity, n.d.) Drones have many uses and abilities. The military uses drones to bomb and target threats to our nation. Governments use drones to do surveillance around their country. Some wildlife experts use their drones to observe animals in the wild. After disasters, search and rescuers use drones to find missing people. (Gardner, 2014) But, of course, people still debating whether or not drones are positively or negatively affecting society. There are many drone enthusiasts out in the world. Similar numbers of anti-drone-ers are out there as well. Many drone lovers like to argue that drones are the perfect military tool. Without a man on board, the military does not have to worry about losing men on a job. (Phil for Humanity, n.d.) They can complete more dangerous …show more content…

In the United States, our lawmakers are creating laws that prohibit any type of drone from flying onto a civilian’s property. (Landforce, 2015) The question is… Is it fair that the United States military cannot fly onto an American’s property but can fly over foreign countries at will? Should the United States fly their drones over a foreign country and spy on that country? (Pew Research Center, 2014) Is it the United State’s right as a country to be allowed to be, in a sense, “hypocritical” on the terms of human privacy? There should be a universal rule that no country can use drones for aerial footage of either another country or its own country unless deemed worthy by a set of regulations. Those regulations include: a warrant if the search by is in the country that is performing the search and a substantial reason that explains why the search is needed (reasons could include a terror threat, suspected terrorist leader, suspected war plot, etc.). This rule, will stop the invasion of privacy that drones induce on

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