
Million Dollar Throw By Mike Lupa Character Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Michael Guardiola Mr. Haiber English period 4 11 September 2015 Prompt #2 In the book “Million Dollar Throw” by Mike Lupica, the main character Nate faces many conflicts throughout the story. In the beginning of the book, Nate is doing good at football as the starting Quarterback but his family has money problems and might lose their house and his best friend is going blind. Nate is faced with many challenges after he wins a lottery to have the chance to go to the Patriots game on Thanksgiving and throw a football 30 yards through a hole. If he makes the throw, his financial problems will be over and many of his conflicts will be resolved. i n t r o p a r a g r a p h x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Since the beginning of the book, Nate and his family have been going through financial problems. For example, Mr. Brodie got demoted at his job and Mrs. Brodie is managing 2 jobs. His family needs the money and also he would relieve a lot of stress from both of his parents . Also, his family is in debt and can’t afford their house. If he doesn't make the throw, there is a big chance of his family losing their house. He is practicing and practicing and is is very …show more content…

In the beginning of the book when Abby told Nate the terrible news, Nate has felt bad. This conflict greatly stresses him out. Later in the story, Nate can see she can barely still see and he is scared for her. He is worried that his friend will be unable to communicate with him in the same way they have been for, for years. Also at the end of the book, Nate is speechless when he finds out Abby is going to a special school for blind kids. He is depressed and determined to make the million dollar throw. The fact that Abby was going blind motivated him and gave him a bigger reason to make the million dollar throw. body 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x x x

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