Minecraft IGN - Shiftedd
Date Of Application - Wednesday 15th July 2015
Age - 14
Country - United Kingdom (England)
Time Zone - GMT
Ranks/Donor - Rank Whirlwind On Prison, CYCLONE RANK :D
Before You Read: I might be mistaken but i heard that you don't have a lot of English staff and i have solve that problem as i live in England! :D i will help the server when no other staff members are on to make sure people are enjoying their time and playing correctly. This is also a key feature about how I can make a difference
Responsibilities I Will Have If I were a staff member:
Monitor chat (Clearing chat of any spammers/people who use constant swearing, ect)
Helping ALL players for there need
Guiding new players to learn how to play on the Network
Being a Friendly person :)
Get along well with all players and staff
Be respectful give new ideas to help improve cyclone (all players can :) )
Clearing the network of any hackers (We want the server to be clean of any people hacking so people like Hifz can enjoy PvPing xD t think that really counts though ;P.
6. Do you have Teamspeak and a microphone?
Yes i have a headset and will be able to interact and talk with staff, i personally do not use TS but use Skype alot :).
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I usually play for a bit in the early morning and then play throughout the evening/afternoon. I will be more than happy to help a server if no other member is on there so if 3 staff members are on prison and none of skyblock i will happily hop on skyblock to help the community with all questions. As i am still in school it is hard to help in the morning for those who live in the UK but when i get let out of school (3PM GMT) it would be around 11AM for Americans so i can help them out when there is not many staff members online. I will provide time and passion towards the server. As it is the holidays i will be extremely
I wanted to take a minute to send you a summary and timeline of the events that took place on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 where voice and data services were unavailable for approximately 1 hour.
The first things I noticed were block paragraphs that were numbered. Also, I noticed numbers and dates.
On September 11, 2015, I was pulled over and accused of going 76mph on a road where the speed limit was 45mph. At first I was in shock because I was unaware that my driving was so recklessly, however, that same day one of my tires was found to be flat resulting in a trip to Tire Kingdom to purchase a new tire. When I arrived, a few of the mechanics on duty commented on the size of my tires. They informed me that the rims that were on my car at the time, and had been on my car since before I bought it, were nineteen inches long and the rims designed for my car are supposed to be fifteen inches long. They then went on to explain that due to the size of the tires versus the size of the car, my speedometer was actually displaying my speed to be
First off, I have to say in my ENTIRE professional career, I've NEVER seen such a creatively powerful professional profile picture than what you are displaying! "HATS OFF TO YOU"
Reading Decoding Composite: There were two different tests in this section. The first one required Lisa to read actual words, and the second had her read made up words that followed phonics rules. Lisa scored below average on each of these sections, but she has started to obtain a basic understanding how to decode words. Due to her difficulty in being able to read, Lisa will have difficulty reading and completing assignments in the classroom.
Before starting my day, I usually put on a earphone and press “shuffle play” on my Throwback playlist on my Spotify account. The most recent five songs that I have listened to before writing this assignment was You Rock My World - With intro by Michael Jackson, Baby, I’m Back by Baby Bash, Just The Two Of Us by Grover Washington, Charlene by Anthony Hamilton, and Show Me The Way by Earth Wind & Fire. Interestingly I have never heard these songs until last year because I was only exposed to music that was on the radio station such as 94.9 or 106.1 where newest and trending songs were played most often. Since three of those songs were produced in early 2000’s and the other two produced between the 1970s and 1980s, I was never able to come across
I never gave much thought into what it takes to shoot, direct, edit, and complete a motion picture. Sure, it may sound fun, but after this assignment, it felt like a lot of work. There are quite a few specialized groups that put together the films that we enjoy in our movie theatres. No wonder why it takes months and even years to edit a film, these folks are making sure things are done and synced correctly! The following essay will identify information pertaining to film and importance for their audience so the person or persons watching can have an understanding of what it is they are viewing. A story that has no meaning or becomes very confusing in the details that are presented does not make a good film.
The story of the assignment that impacted me the most begins in a class I initially despised. There was a collective grump and groan when the networking and cyber security majors were informed that we must all take an introductory business course. We all simply could not understand how any business concepts could aid in our ability to program an effective network with corresponding security. With a rather narrow mind, I entered the class that I was told by others was the my boring and dull experience of their academic life. Still, I read the chapters and regurgitated basic concepts into short essay answers as requested by my instructor. However, after a short time came an assignment about learning to plan a business process and improve it.
Growing up in a small town has the advantage of being a close-knit community, unfortunately this also meant that exposure to foreign delicacies is not a common occurrence. As a child, I developed a strong dislike for any foods that I viewed as abnormal, and became quite a finicky eater. Thus, my familiarity with Italian food is somewhat limited to restaurant dishes, and recipes that friends exuberantly claim to be a crime if not made. While being a student in Victoria, I have had the opportunity to live in various different areas, some of which were next door to outdoor markets. Much like the markets described by Braimbridge et al.,(2005) in The Food of Italy, the bread was baked fresh daily, the produce fresh and locally
My father is a senior design hardware engineer, and consequently he works with many software engineers. For an eighth grade project, I interviewed one of my father’s coworkers, where I learn some of the kinds of projects that software engineers work on. I wanted to get a feel for programming to see if I would like it, which is why when I was a sophomore in high school, I enrolled in an online coding course called introduction to computer science.
So, for this assignment I stalked (sorry, observed) a girl in my math class. She has blue hair, wears wide glasses and is very unique. (I think she is the only one in the school with blue hair, so you may already know who this is. Oops.) I started observing her on September 3rd, and from day one I got the vibe that she was smart. All the questions Mr. Bonge asked she not only answered, but answered correctly. After a while he even stopped calling on her. Yeah, she was that good. The things he was reviewing weren’t easy either, it was factoring binomials and absolute value. I was lost within the first 5 minutes. But her, no way! She was on top of it. I was impressed. I also noticed that she tapped her finger on the side of her
1 score and 5 years ago I was asked to write a paper about today. Surprisingly I was spot on. Thanks to my family and all my teachers throughout my college years I am a successful Audio Engineer. I started off this journey 26 years ago in 2014 after being released from a prison program called Miami-Dade County Boot Camp. There I learned the discipline it takes to be successful at anything you want to do in your life.
I have always been the person people go to for answers. Since seventh grade I have been in honors classes; I was the only seventh grader in an eighth grade math class. I had never been so nervous walking in to class in my life. My legs were trembling and my hands were shaking. I walked around the room hoping to find a seat not in the back so I do not show my teacher I do not care; but not in the front so my classmates think I am a kiss up. I sat in between two boys, and tried to not let them see how intimidated I actually am by them.
As an Arab immigrant who was raised in the United States since he was seven years old, who lived in Michigan seeing Arabs everyday and never felt like he was in a foreign country; and moving to NYC in 2015, changed the whole style of my life. NYC the tremendous city that I couldn’t find the people that I knew and that I understood nor those that understands me because of our massive cultural differences, and believes. The biggest problem is when I started school in NYC. The school system was different because in NYC they had regents, also their credit requirements were different, for that I was behind in credits and didn’t know what was the regents. Also, I came to school almost at the end of the First marking period of the second semester of freshman year.
This french practice server is brilliant. Perfect Hit detection, KB, you name it. Currently the most popular French practice server currently out. The server reaches around 230 players at its peak, and roughly 130 - 150 regularly. I was Moderator+ on PvPGym before i later resigned due to being the only fluent English staff member there.