
Mini Observation

Decent Essays

My project was focused on improving core instructional practices through implementation of mini-observations with data feedback given to teachers and “PLC’s”. In September of this year, I was able to share with teachers the format of my walkthrough observations and the CIP that I Might be looking for. Through the end of the first semester, I ended up doing over 20 walk-throughs or mini-observations. These observations occasionally served a two-fold purpose as they were considered official walk-throughs for the staff as well. After each of these walkthroughs, I gave feedback too and had conversations with these teachers that I observed. As a result, many teachers changed some of their methods and started implementing CIP’s I recommended. This was evident by the fact that several of them on my second or third observations were now utilizing these practices. At the end of November, I was able to have the “PLC” finally meet. At their meeting teachers shared some ideas and best practices and these teachers expressed interest in doping this more frequently- although they wish this time was built into our schedule. There is still much more work to be done to make sure that this momentum continues. The hope is that this project can expand from just the “PLC” group the entire faculty. I need to work hard on getting everyone in the …show more content…

It was especially rewarding in the classrooms where objectives were not even posted the first time I visited. Seeing the stduents more invested in their own learning was a moment of grace. Another moment of grace was the last “PLC” meeting we had when all the teachers, even those that were reluctant (and still are) agreed that it is worthwhile and should continue especially the sharing of best practices in an intentional

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