Introduction Minimum Wage, also known as the savior of middle class, is defined as the lowest amount the employer legally can pay their workers per hour. The minimum wage law was set to introduce new goals in mind and such laws were created to reinsure that . For instance, the federal law that was originally proposed by Senator Bernie Sanders back in 2015, Pay Workers A Living Wage Act involves a five-part process that will increase the minimum wage each year. It will be indexed into the median hourly wage which will also eliminate the tipped minimum wage. It is difficult to decided whether this law has enough power to be passed, but it has gained enough traction to at least be considered by the congress and Senate. However, the minimum wage controversy has become a topic of discussion for several years now thus turning into a nationwide discussion. I believe the enforcement of minimum wage would protect the livelihood of workers who are working lower end jobs and living in poverty stricken neighborhoods. Also, the demographic of the workers should not play a factor in those are currently working …show more content…
Harvey of Forbes, The Real Argument For Raising The Minimum Wage. He discusses the controversial debate on whether or not there is economic impact of the Federal Minimum Wage. To further introduce his theory , he mentions the words of a widely known comedian named Chris Rock. Chris Rock, during a skit on Saturday Night Live says, “ You know what that means when someone pays you minimum wage? You know what your boss was trying to say? ‘Hey if I could pay you less, I would, but it’s against the law.”’ He is convincing his readers a chance to understand why the goal of minimum wage will do not any justice of raising or lower the unemployment rate, but protect and serve to those who do not have have enough resources to survive in this
Rex Huppke, a writer for the Chicago tribune,writes about how raising the minimum wage may not be as positive to the society and economy as Americans are lead to believe. After interviewing many specialist and professors concerning this subject, he concludes that despite what other newspapers are saying raising the minimum wage could damage the economy. As an effect of what the media is saying this article was written to inform the public of the real cost of raising minimum wage.
Minimum wage is the lowest wage paid or permitted to be paid (1). Americans have been debating raising minimum wage for years. The people that want the raise in pay believe that it will help workers who are not as qualified and need a salary they can support themselves on. The people who do not want the raise realize the damaging effects it will have on this country. These jobs do not require a great amount of skill so having a low pay is understandable. Minimum wage jobs were not created for people to support themselves and a family with. Raising minimum wage would hurt Americans more than help them because in the end prices of goods will increase and people will lose their jobs.
The argument for minimum wage has remained remake consistent over the years. Some people are against minimum wage and the other think minimum wage can help you in a certain way. In the midst of the Great Depression, the Unites States federal government passed the Fair Labor Standards Act. The law has been amended almost every year to expand coverage of the wage floor and to increase the wage itself. Many of the fifty states have enacted their own minimum wage laws, some of them set even higher than the federal level. Minimum wage jobs don’t only help adults at hard times it help teenagers and college students. I learned that the proponents for minimum wage believe the raw value of one’s labor to a business
Barbara Mantel “Minimum Wage” According to Barbara Mantel she point out that nearly 47 million Americans, or 15 percent live in poverty according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Many opponents argue that raising the minimum wage will help many low-wage workers from middle class household who are employed part time many supports say many of those household who are struggling financially and would be group as poor if it was not for the government assistances. Further, many workers who are making minimum wage are employed in the food-services industry than any other according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. However, many advocated imply that raising the federal minimum wage would help the low-come families by decreasing poverty rate and increase
Research shows if minimum wage was to climb that it would hurt the least skilled and the least experienced people trying to seek a job the most. There are different of opinions people believe in about the positive and negative aspect of minimum wage. Supporters argue that such a boost will shrink poverty without plummeting jobs and that it will boost confidence, increase the normal living, and cut inequality and have businesses to be well-organized. Opponents that are not for minimum wage say it will increase poverty, unemployment and is not good toward businesses. The question about minimum wage and the effects it would cause if it was to rise, remains one of the most commonly studied topics.
Minimum wage is the amount of money that the government says is the least amount that a business can pay to an individual. The debate on raising minimum wage has been ongoing for a long time. In my opinion minimum wage should not be raised. If minimum wage was raised then there would be higher unemployment because businesses wouldn't be able to afford hiring someone. Raising the minimum wage would mean that the businesses will pay higher than equilibrium price and this means that there would be a surplus. Whereas if the price was below equilibrium price than it would cause a shortage. A business would have to increase the price of their products or services. This would be known as inflation. This would lead the unemployment rates to go up because
The federal minimum wage was raised to $7.25 an hour by Congress in 2009, something that has been carried out only a handful of times since the establishment of the wage in the Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938. Even with this modest rise in income, the minimum wage today does not provide for a decent standard of living. It has failed to keep pace with the wage growth of an average American worker. The minimum wage was intended provide a minimum standard of living; to aid in alleviating poverty and reward one for their work, however, in today’s economy, it fails to live up to these modest goal. Despite the fact that many adults and their families included depend on these wages to make ends meet there exists stiff opposition to any
Minimum wage in America to me is a debate that will be debated if there is money to be made. Minimum wage is necessary because without it, bosses would exploit workers the way they did before there was ever any regulations on working and wages. While minimum wage does prove to be effective in worker security, it can have some effects on our economy both positive and negative.
A movement to increase the federally mandated minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 has been gaining momentum across the nation in recent months. Although the Senate struck down a bill that would have made the idea a law this past April, studies conducted by top economists and governmental agencies are finding it to be highly beneficial in practice. It has been over five years since the last change in the federal minimum wage, and the government needs to make adjustments for the modern economy. It should take action towards setting the new minimum wage to $10.10, even if in small steps.
Minimum wage is a huge controversy in the United States of America because some people say that the minimum wage is fair whereas others that say the contrary. There is a massive gap between the poor and the wealthy. The middle-class group are also nowhere near the wealthy class, instead they are just above the poverty level. As a matter of fact, research shows that the middle-class group is decreasing and now there is mainly, the poor and the wealthy group. It is clear that the minimum wage should be raised for it to be enough to live on and to reduce the poverty line.
Liana Fox, writer and member of the nonpartisan Economic Policy Institute, analyzes some of the myths that surround the increase of minimum wage. The article describes the challenges families face living off of minimum wage and how many live below the poverty line. Fox goes on to say, “On average, families with affected workers rely on those workers for over half (59%) of the families’ total earnings. Nearly half (46%) of all families with an affected worker rely solely on the earnings of those workers.” This article provides statistics that I will use to argue my point that the minimum wage needs
A minimum wage is the lowest hourly, daily, or monthly wage that employers may legally pay to employees or workers. The debate over minimum wage in the United States has been ongoing for over 100 years. It is a hot topic in labor, human interest, and especially in economics. Is the minimum wage too low? Is it too high? Should we have one at all? Does having a minimum legal wage help those who it is intended to help, or does it actually make them worse off? Theses questions are asked on a daily basis by interested parties. While there may not be one definitive correct answer, there are compelling arguments on both sides of the issue, and those who represent their “side” are
The current minimum wage in the United States is a wage which Americans cannot live on. Americans are forced to live in poor living conditions because of the low wages they earn. The low wages workers earn result in poor healthcare because they cannot afford the proper treatment. The minimum wage leaves little, if any, for any unexpected expenses. The minimum wage in America affects American workers trying to make ends meet. The minimum wage needs to be raised and changed to the living wage.
Andrew Carnegie once said “Do your duty and a little more and the future will take care of itself.” Carnegie: for better or worse, played an important part in the worker’s rights movement. Some of the very first movements for workers to unionize and protect their jobs came during Carnegie’s time and would mark the very beginning of long and difficult process to achieve worker’s rights that still continue to this day. The minimum wage debate is without a doubt part of these negotiations and has taken the spotlight in recent years. There are two sides to the minimum wage debate: the employees fighting for higher wages who would like to earn enough to keep food on the table for their family, and the employer who is doing what they can to keep
Minimum wage is the lowest wage that an employer is allowed to pay. This wage is regulated by the law, so all workers must follow this rule. According to the book, “Minimum Wages”, the author Neumark, David states, “in 1938, the U.S. Congress passed a federal minimum wage as part of the Fair Labor Standard Act” (Neumark 1). Since that time, the minimum wage has been regulating and controlling by the law. This minimum wage causes a bad effect to the economy because nobody wants to work with low wage. Therefore, the number of people who quit a job has been increasing, and because of this, the unemployment rate is going to be higher. This issue may cause a big impact to our society and economy in the near future.