
Minimum Wage In America

Decent Essays

Everyone works hard for a living, for lower wage workers it's not only hard work, but at the end of the day it does not pay the bills. There are a two way problem in that we love a good bargain and we want the workers who make our offers the services to be treated fairly. President Obama is pressuring Congress to raise the national minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour. How will this affect the market? How much does that affect us and make more people become out of work because we are shopping less? Two opinion editorials from The New York Times, Judith M.Conti and Diana Furchtgott-Roth, give their opinions on how basic economics should settle this issue. Jeffrey A. Miron, believes that market theory of wage determination lets the market …show more content…

Products and services are offered at low cost because people are willing to provide them. No one is forced to work as a manicurist, and many people come to America from overseas in order to work as manicurists. A $25 manicure-pedicure is above minimum wage in America, and far above what many people could earn if they stayed in their home countries.” The worker is taking home the whole $25 dollars, their employer takes most of the cuts. The New York Times article she is writing about states that manicurist makes only $30 dollars a day. The owners justified this salary due to the high overhead cost of running the salon. There are so many nail salons in New York that some salons under charge at $10 per manicure, while the real price should be $30 to cover the operations cost. Owners have to provide with a clean environment. One owner states that,” cleaning laundry and towel services, making sure everyone has their license and giving people paid vacations justifies the price.” Another owner installed an expensive custom HVAC system to clean the air and state of the art dry heat sterilizer to disinfect the equipment. A recent study revealed that 20% of manicurists have breathing issues from working. Furchtgott-Roth also writes on that when workers' skills improve then they should be able to move on the higher paying salon so than the lower skill worker can be employed. There are less cheap nail salons compared the amount of higher costing salons so there is less room for advancement. The immigrant workers who do not know English are the ones most affected by lower wage, they deserve a part of the American dream and should be protected. Most of all the patrons of the saloons should be enlighten not to visit the cheaper salons for a fair and balanced market for the

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