
Minnesota Fishing Regulations

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Throughout the early history of fishing there has been little to no fishing regulations on the 60,000 lakes of Minnesota. Many species have failed to survive the horrors of spearing while in spawning season, such as the sturgeon. Additionally, some species cannot recover on their own and are regularly monitored and stock by the department of natural resources. One species, lake trout, is so fragile, the only lake they are not stocked in is Lake Superior. The history of regulations in Minnesota shows the page lengths getting longer each year, but are the regulations protecting just the fish, or are the regulations protecting the ecosystem as a whole? The earliest record of regulations in Minnesota, by law, starts in 1907 with a list of “true sportsmanship” rules to follow such as “will never take more game or fish than he has use for”. The length of the 1907 regulations is only a page in a half, but each year the length expands. This year also consists of a list of actions that are illegal to pursue as a fisherman. The third unlawful rule listed at the top of the first page is “to break or destroy birds’ nests or eggs”. Most people would consider this a sportsmanship rule, but in this particular year, it was illegal. Actually the first couple decades of regulations followed this belief …show more content…

But the effects that it will have on ecosystems could be catastrophic. The lack of protection on beavers’ home could possibly lead to extinction in these animals and the dams beavers’ create slow down the river's currents and make the water more habitual for many fish species. Which resurfaces the fact that all species depend on each other to create an ecosystem. The length of the rules in Minnesota’s fishing regulations to protect the fish, in the long run, will not protect the species that help fish thrive within an ecosystem

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