
Who Is Minnie Telling The Truth?

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Minnie is not telling the truth because her testimony does not align with the evidence shown in the crime scene. For instance, Minnie reported that Horace was in the shower and fell, but in the image Horace is shown with a toothbrush in hand. The toothpaste rested on the sink far from the bath. This shows that Horace successfully and safely made it to the sink and was brushing his teeth. Therefore no matter what, Horace did not die inside of the shower. That already conflicts with the story presented by Minnie. Additionally, There is only one towel that had been used and was clumsily put on the stand. The towel says “Hers” indicating that the towel belongs to Minnie and not to Horace. Generally, it would be unusual for people to go as far as

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