
Essay Miracles

Decent Essays

Miracles From the Latin word miraculum meaning “object of wonder” enters the word miracle. Many definitions have been formed for the notion of a miracle but most would agree that it is most commonly an unexplainable extraordinary event, inspiring awe and wonder unto its witnesses. Similar definitions state that it is a “supernatural event, contrary to the established constitution and course of things or a deviation from the known laws of nature”.

The term “a priori” refers primarily to the basis on which a proposition is known. If a statement has been written a priori it has been made without prior …show more content…

However, Hume’s second argument puts forward, why many people will support a miracle claim, “the passion of surprise and wonder, arising from miracles being an agreeable emotion gives a sensible tendency towards the belief of those events from which it is derived.” Furthermore, Hume explains that even those who did not enjoy that pleasure first hand “yet love to partake of the satisfaction …. And place a pride and delight in exciting the admiration of others.” Hume’s statement suggests many people will have a natural tendency to suspend their reasoning when testifying to a miracle because of the emotional effect it has on them.

Hume describes natural laws as having been established by “firm and unalterable experience”. What is thought to be a miracle may be in fact a part of the world and part of the laws that we do not fully understand yet.

Derived from the scientific understanding of the 18th century and the world, natural law was meant to reflect the perfection of God, therefore it could not be broken. Conversely similar to miracles natural law is left open to interpretation. Locke suggested that “trust

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